Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service

Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service helps improve the lives of Louisiana citizens

Louisiana Cooperative Extension: A Journey (1 Minute)

Louisiana Cooperative Extension: A Journey

Agents of Change: The Story of Louisiana Cooperative Extension

LSU AgCenter Extension Agents

Louisiana Cooperative Extension and LSU AgCenter Research

Agents of Change: Louisiana 4-H

LSU AgCenter Extension: Educating and Innovating

Agents of Change: Disaster Preparation & Recovery

Agents of Change: Demonstration Farming

Agents of Change: Agricultural Legislation

Agents of Change: Forestry

Celebrating Women in Agriculture: Louisiana's Trailblazers

Agents of Change: Louisiana Master Farmer

EDEN Impact: Paul Coreil, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service

Agents of Change Spot #1 (:20)

Agents of Change: Urban Accomplishments

Agents of Change: County Agents

Agents of Change: Better Seeds for Resisting Insects & Disease

Agents of Change: Health & Nutrition

Agents of Change: Vehicles of Information

Agents of Change: Mary Mims

Cotton and corn production increase in Louisiana

Agents of Change: Fisheries and Seafood